

3064 Uppsatser om Policy implementation - Sida 1 av 205

Lokal näringspolitik som nationell angelägenhet : - en teoriprövande studie av implementeringsproblemet i en näringspolitisk kontext

This study aims at contributing to the studies of political implementation. The theory of implementation claims that local implementation that meets the demands of national policies is close to none existing. By examining the implementation of industrial policy in two Swedish municipalities that differs in location, prosperity and political believes I am putting the theory to the test. If the test were to show that the implementation is rather well executed in these two cases, where the risk of failure is great, the questions about whether the theory is valid or not will rise.By interviewing the two local government employees in charge of the work with industrial policy, and studying their strategic documents I got my answers. This by looking at their work but also their attitudes towards the national policy in terms of understanding the policy, being able to work with it, and wanting to work with it.

"Jag känner liksom igen den på något sätt..." - en studie om implementering av värdegrund i en vård- och omsorgsförvaltning

The aim of our study was to increase the awareness of the importance of implementation when a policy document is widely introduced. We wanted to examine how a political decision was implemented on different levels in a social care administration. We also wanted to examine the discretion related to the decision on different levels in the organisation, and if the work is followed up. The theoretical frame of reference in our study is Vedung?s implementation model and Lipsky?s theory about street-level bureaucrats.

Från integrationspolitik till integrationsarbete : En fallstudie av Kalmar kommun

The implementation of integration policy has in recent times been a major problem for the municipal administrations in Swedish municipalities. The concept of integration is considered to be very diffuse, difficult to apply and implement the following decisions. To understand the concept of integration is the first step, followed by understanding its complexity in an organization.In this study, I focus on studying the implementation of integration policies for integration work with Kalmar Municipality as a case study. I am using Lundquist's implementation theory about understanding, able and willing. The survey consists primarily of interviews but also a certain document to get a perspective on how integration policy has gone into integration work with the hypothesis that it is the understanding that weaknesses of the officials in the implementation of integration policies.

Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?

This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today. The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and their compatibility with policy for housing supply.

Professioners interaktion i operationsmiljö : En observationsstudie över professioners interaktion på operation med fokus på kommunikation och hierarki- och maktfaktorer

The implementation of integration policy has in recent times been a major problem for the municipal administrations in Swedish municipalities. The concept of integration is considered to be very diffuse, difficult to apply and implement the following decisions. To understand the concept of integration is the first step, followed by understanding its complexity in an organization.In this study, I focus on studying the implementation of integration policies for integration work with Kalmar Municipality as a case study. I am using Lundquist's implementation theory about understanding, able and willing. The survey consists primarily of interviews but also a certain document to get a perspective on how integration policy has gone into integration work with the hypothesis that it is the understanding that weaknesses of the officials in the implementation of integration policies.

Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?

This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today. The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and their compatibility with policy for housing supply. Using theories of Policy implementation and the municipal planning situation, possible explanations for the findings of the analysis could be a split in responsibility between the formulating and implementation of the policy for housing supply and its contents, a lack of resources of means for implementing or the prevalence of special interests when attempting to convert policy to plans..

En kyrklig organisations informationssäkerhet : Policyimplementation och motivation till efterlevnad av policy

The following study is dedicated to investigate what kind of problems an organisation might stumble upon in the process of implementing a policy related to information security. Alongside investigating the eventual problems occurring in the implementation process of an organisation, the study also sets out to analyse how an organisation can motivate staff in order to follow the guidelines of a policy. The collection of empirical data was done using interviews. In order to seek answers to our research questions a theoretical background is presented that illustrate the need for information security after which motivational theories are applied to our collected data.To summarise the results of the study we find a gap of knowledge between the employees of the organisation. The organisational level of an employee together with the degree of participation in working with a policy seems connected to both the employee?s knowledge of a policy as well as how well the employee are motivated to learn about and follow the guidelines provided from a policy..

Lag om likabehandling av studenter i högskolan : - en implementeringsstudie av Växjö universitets och Högskolan i Kalmars likabehandlingsarbete

The aim of the study is to evaluate how a law decided 2002 regarding discrimination against students in the higher education system in Sweden, was implemented at the University of Kalmar and Växjö University.The study asks two questions: How did the both universities implement the law? How did the universities manage to implement the law? In order to answer these questions the ?top-down? perspective, often used in field social science within discipline implementation, is used. First the study examines the goals with the legislation, and thereafter the actual implementation at the both examined universities.The conclusion is that the universities has high ambitions with implementation of the law and extensive formalized regulations but that it practically seems to be hard to get legitimacy with the implementation throughout the whole organizations. This makes the implementation work slowly though it?s working well with the people who have direct responsibility for the implementation..

Svensk ungdomspolitik över tid, en komparativ analys : En studie kring forskningens inflytande på ungdomspolitiken och vem som ansvarar för ungdomspolitikens genomförande

Who is responsible for youth Policy implementation?This thesis attempts to deepen our understanding of Swedish and Nordic youth policy. Youth policy is cross-sectoral and includes all the decisions and measures affecting the conditions of young people. National youth policy therefore concerns young people's life situations in a number of different areas, such as work, housing, education, health, leisure and influence. The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of youth policy work the last century by understanding the impact of youth research concerning adults' role in youth Policy implementation. A mixed method approach has been applied to the study: interviews, documents and youth theory have been analysed.

Det komplexa mötet mellan intentioner och upplevelser : Intervjustudie om hur några grundskollärare uppfattar en ny läroplan

This essay takes its starting point in the making of a new national general school curriculum for the Swedish elementary school. The purpose of this essay is to estimate what the policy makers intended with the new policy documents and relate that to how a few teachers perceive these changes. In order to get an understanding of how the teachers view these changes I have done qualitative interviews with four teachers which all work in the Swedish elementary school.Theories on "implementation" and "street-level bureaucracy" are used to analyse my empirical material. My results tell that there is a difference how teachers relate to the new curruculum and the policy makers' intentions with it. That can be explained by the fact that teachers' work is complex and as to they work in a complex organization..

Sverige och Art- och Habitatdirektivet - i samförstånd eller avvikande : En studie om reglerande dokuments roll i implementeringsprocessen

Within the political science literature that deals with the implementation process a central part has long been what is sometimes called the implementation deficit. This means that the effect of a policy decision doesn´t turn out as it was originally intended. The often used explanation is that the policy decisions moves through many levels during its implementation where different actors can change or alter the decision in various degrees. This phenomenon has gradually become more and more attended within the legislative process in the European Union and has been addressed in numerous studies. The purpose of this paper is to examine the implementation of The Habitats Directive, as its embodied in regulatory documents, in the Swedish multi-level system.

Att implementra integration En diskussion kring integrationsbegrepp och integrationspolitik med frontlinjebyråkrater som utgångspunkt

The aim of this study is to discuss the implementation of Swedish integration policy from the perspective that public officials, so called front-line bureaucrats, are the real creators of this policy. The concept of integration is far from unambigous; it can have different meanings depending on the theoretical perspective applied. This give topical interest to the question of how the concept is conceived on the national level versus the implementation level. I also aim to uncover how these front-line bureaucrats look upon their role as creators of integration policy. My material consists mainly of interviews with front-line bureauctrats.

Att lifta en policy Om den offentliga upphandlingen och ett nytt statsvetenskapligt begrepp

In the present case, the conception of policy hitchhiking gets evaluated in terms of its implications for democracy. This task is executed through the accomplishment of a case study of the use of social- and environmental clauses in the Swedish competitive tendering.A useful definition of policy hitchhiking, including different types of actors, is created.Through the defining of democracy and policy hitchhiking, the author comes to the conclusion that policy hitchhiking in some respects does meet democracy values.The thesis? result can in some sense be regarded as a contribution to the pursuit of knowledge of how power is distributed in the society and how the current distribution can be explained and understood..

Blodgivare med järnbrist i Uppsala län : Kost, järntabletter, compliance, biverkningar och information

Aim: To examine director?s experiences of the process to implement smoke-free working hours and also their need of support to make it feasible in the municipality of Östhammar. Method: A qualitative interview study with a descriptive design was used. Semi-structured interviews were made with six directors who were selected from different levels, localities and administrations in the municipality of Östhammar. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data.Results: Many positive aspects were pointed out regarding the implementation of smoke-free working hours.

Biståndets idé och praktik : en studie om genomförandet av ett biståndsprogram i Burkina Faso

This thesis is based on the implementation of a bilateral rural development program in Burkina Faso. The main purpose of this study was to put the actual implementation process of a bilateral development program in view. This was done by investigating how two dominant perspectives in the implementation literature can explain what in fact happens during the realization of an aid program. A further aim of the thesis was to explore the limitations of these two dominant theories, in order to get a full understanding of the complexity of the realization of an aid program. Based on the implementation theory, this study shows that the realization of an aid program can be understood from three different angles.

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